Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ninja: The Game

There is a new game that has recently come in to our family. It's called, "Ninja", and it's pretty fun. It's simple. It moves quickly. Almost always accompanied by laughter...sometimes a grimace, if the attack was not well placed.

1. All players stand in a circle
2. Bow towards center slowly with palms together, saying a long drawn out "Hiiiiiiiiiiyah!"
3. At the end of the "Hiiiiiiiiiiiyah!" jump into your initial Ninja pose. (You do not want to leave the backs of your hands in a vulnerable position...meaning:  out there for another player to smack. (Now you are ready to begin) Every player should remain frozen until it's his/her turn.

Ready to Play:
1.  Decide who will go first. Play continues in a clockwise direction.
2.  The first Ninja tries to smack the back of another person's hand. It is very important to sound like a Ninja when you are attacking and when you are being attacked.
(note: Silent Ninja is not nearly as much fun)
3.  The only people who can move are the person whose turn it is to attack and the person being attacked. The position of both players at the end of this encounter is to remain frozen as their new position.
4. The attacker can strike at anyone, but play continues to the next person in the circle no matter who was attacked with the smack.
5. If contact is made with the back of the person's hand, then they are out, until you get down to the final two people and a winner is declared.

Here's how it looks

Jackson and Simon get ready (make note of the level of concentration)
This is always Simon's starting move. I told him that I think it's a cheater's pose, but of course he disagrees. It gives me a good excuse to smack him in the back of the head if it's my turn and I'm standing next to him.

Variations on starting positions...except for Simon, who of course has the same starting pose.

The moves...



Watch out, Jackson! 

Ugh! I saw it coming.

This is why we wear SHOES outside, boys, AND why we like to take our shoes off when we come inside. :-)
Try playing NINJA next time you hear anyone in your house say, "I'm bored!"  Call the Nissens. We'll come over and join you.


  1. Wow, Nice!! Love coming to your blog to see your pictures :) So wonderful.

  2. Ha ha, what a fun post and game! I will definately try this one, my boys will love it! The last pictures is my favorite ;)

  3. This fun game has the Walker Boys written all over it, including the nasty feet at the end - I think I may even have a similar neighborhood photo! LOL! I'm gonna try to explain this to The Boys so we can try to play this WITHOUT a knock-down-drag-out occurring at the end!

    Meg :)

  4. That is awesome! Nate is a self proclaimed, "hater of games" but I think I will introduce Ninja to him .... I'll bet he'll like this one :)

  5. time this game gets going-call me-I'm a visual learner! I would love to see it in action. Loved the dirty feet!
    Shaunna Krieg


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