Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Getaway

Part 1: The Getaway

So, where can you go to get away from it all, leave the outside world behind, focus on each other and nothing else, have a little alone time? If you said Banner Baywood Hospital, "You're right!"
Brian and I have needed a getaway for a while and we finally got it last Friday night. It started with Brian feeling some unusual pressure on his chest that he hadn't felt before and he started to feel clammy and faint. He wasn't sure what it was, but felt concerned enough that he thought we might need to go to the emergency. I became a little concerned myself when he finally said, "I think you should call 911." Where was the phone? Does he want a glass of water? The paramedics came. Our good neighbor, Brent came over and gave Brian a priesthood blessing before he was taken away. I know the blessing helped Brian, but it also calmed me. Thank you. I felt at peace and knew that everything was going to be o.k. I got the kids situated and met Brian at the hospital.
We had our own little cubicle sectioned off from our neighbors by curtains, so we could hear more than we wanted to: a man who was not in his right mind and absolutely did not want to be restrained, a woman who heard voices...drama. Brian and I would be having a conversation, but when the conversations around us became more interesting, we both quieted and listened. I know. We probably shouldn't have, but when the doctor asks the lady next to us what the voices were telling her, wouldn't you want to hear what she said??
SO...it was obvious that we were going to be there for a little while and as I looked around our little space and assessed the situation, there was a plastic chair with a low back, a night stand of sorts, and brian's gurney style bed. It was more like half of a bed, since it was pretty narrow. We hung out waiting for some test results and the cardiologist. I finished reading/scanning a photography book by Allison Tyler Jones, looked through other stuff in my bag, then I was pretty tired. I looked at Brian's bed the way a hawk eye's it's prey before the attack. I finally told him, "Scoot over." He laughed and said, "What?!" I said, "Scoot over, I'm really tired! There's enough room for me r-i-g-h-t t-h-e-r-e." I pointed to the bottom half of the 1/2-Bed. I think by now he knew that I was not joking, so he made room for me. My feet were cold, and my legs were hanging halfway off the bed, but it was better than the hard plastic chair. I also asked the nurse for my very own pillow AND found a little blanket. We settled in. It was cozy. I didn't mind. I like cozy. Thank goodness for the bars on the side of the bed, otherwise this sleeping arrangement would not have worked. I had to position my backside just ride between the bars. We laughed and giggled. I don't know if we laughed because it was funny or because we were so tired by now that we were punchy...maybe both. Then came the CAT scan to check for clots in his heart (thankfully, there were none), but the nurse was so nice to let me stay on the bed for the ride to the CAT scan room. I think she could probably see that I was wedged in so tight that having me get off was more trouble than it was worth. During this short ride down the hospital corridors I had a flashback to other such trips for me, except they weren't to have a CAT scan, but to have my babies. Five C-sections, five beautiful,soft, healthy babies, two great doctors...so I have very fond memories and associations with hospitals. This was turning out to be a pretty good date...all of these warm feelings came flooding back: heated blankets(loved those!), gurney trips down the hallway, hospital chatter over the intercom through the night, nurses chatting at the nurses station,doors opening and closing, curtains being pulled back, my hospital cocktail in a styrofoam cup (o.j. mixed with cranberry juice-on crushed ice-the best.) and best of all, visits from Brian at night that consisted mostly of him just sitting next to me holding the newest little addition to our family, while I dozed in and out of sleep until our little muffin needed to be fed. Our little piece of heaven right there in that hospital room.
Back to the present: One of Brian's nurses was from Taiwan and sounded so much like Dr. Tzeng and Chen, MY wonderful doctors. Now, I could entertain these thoughts because Brian was not in pain and was actually feeling pretty good by this time, so I was not worried. All good things must come to an end and our "date" ended with "breakfast" in the a.m.: powdered scrambled eggs, a dry little blueberry pancake rolled up, some grapes, cream of wheat made with water instead of milk and a carton of milk. Oh, well, it WAS hospital food, after all. I know it's weird, but it was a pleasant night. I kissed my date good-bye. He said he would call me. It is not too often that you can forget about the world around you and do nothing and have it be ok that you're doing nothing.

Brian ended up staying the rest of the weekend (too long!)...waiting and waiting and waiting (could have come home on Saturday!)...and finally came home on Sunday evening. Announcement: His heart has a clean bill of health. Thank you to everyone for your love and concern and prayers. We are blessed to once again be surrounded by so many caring people. Everything is good with the Nissens. :-)

Part 2: The Homecoming

An ambulance can be a scary thing for anyone, but particulary for an 8 year old little girl, when the ambulance is taking her dad away. Emma went through her own experience this weekend being home, while dad was in the hospital, but in the end she said a prayer and felt like everything would be o.k. I am so grateful that she was able to have that experience with prayer, because that will serve her well over the years as trials and challenges come her way. She also spent some time making little cards and writing notes for Brian's eventual return home. Here is what he came home to:


In case you can't quite make it out:

"Adam says I'm making a big deal about this and I mite be, but I mean we don't want to lose you apparently. And we love you so much that we would be heartbroken. And I mean 'heart' So you better come back alive. And I mean alive not dead. You get the picture right.

Love, Nissens"

Then she signed all of our names.

This is Emma. I love her heart!




All is well.


  1. This story was so cute! ..AND scary..and funny.
    I laughed, I cried and I loved.
    you should make movies =)
    I love your family!

  2. Gosh Maria, I hardly know what to say. Leave it to you to make such an experience into a great story! What a terrific date indeed! I can't tell you how happy I am to hear Brian is all right. And what a sweetheart Emma is - bless her precious heart!

    Give that Brian a hug from the Walker Fam :)

  3. I'm glad everything is okay. How scary. You definitely are one of those people who makes lemonade out of lemons. I wonder if I could rent an ambulence for our next date.

  4. I am glad that you were able to find the good in what could have been a bad experience.......a date at the hospital is pretty original. It is good to find a was to make the best of every situation. I am glad that Brian is doing well and I am sure that it did his heart good to have you by his side through this experience!
    It is fun to see Emma's personality. I am glad that she was able to trun to prayer for comfort...we can learn a lot from our children. Give Brian and your family our love.

  5. I'm glad Brian was alright! Poor Emma that would be hard. I love her little card though. How sweet.

  6. Oh my goodness! I am so grateful Brian is just fine. If you do ever need a good cardiologist, I really like mine... but let's hope you don't need one! Beautifully written! I've found you can either be miserable in these situations or find things to laugh at. I'm a little jealous of your neighbors. I've never had such entertaining ones when I've been in the ER!

  7. I Love this story.....I will share it with my primary class :). So glad all is well, scary stuff. I am laughing picturing the ride on the bed........the two of you....thanks for sharing your experience. Emma is so sweet!

  8. I Love this story.....I will share it with my primary class :). So glad all is well, scary stuff. I am laughing picturing the ride on the bed........the two of you....thanks for sharing your experience. Emma is so sweet!

  9. So glad that Brian is doing well and that you had a fun night in the hospital -- I don't get those warm fuzzy feelings at a hospital, so it was fun to hear yours! This will be one of those memorable experiences you will treasure forever!

  10. It's interesting that when I was reading the story right above this I was concerned about the kids especially Emma. That is a scary thing for them to see. I'm glad she was able to write it all down and share it with her daddy when he came home. It is scary thinking about your daddy getting sick. The thought of it still scares me and I'm a grown up.
    Love the hospital story though. Nice imagery. I love the crazy people in the hopital at night. They make things interesting.
    I'm so glad Brian is well. He's way too young to head down that path. And way too loved.


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